“Current vibe: doing me. Restoring myself. Reinventing myself. Early bedtime. Tea. Lots of water. Working out. Working hard. Eating healthy. Saying no to people. Bubble baths. Staying in. Being presnt. Shifting gears....
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Empaths And The Law Of Attraction: A Powerful Combination
"The Law of Attraction states that we attract what we give off, both positive and negative. As a result, we can attract and absorb negative emotions from others that we haven’t resolved in ourselves. That’s why we are...
The Power of Your Mind: How to Avoid Manifesting Bad Things
“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe its about unbecoming everything that isn’t really you so that you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.” ― Paula Coelho This is a reflection...
From Self-Criticism to Self-Love: Practical Tips to Transform Your Inner Dialogue
Note from Jess: Please welcome Jess, the blogger behind wonderfulwithin.co to share with us about self love. Hope you enjoy! How To Turn Self-Critiquing Into Self-Love We all have a critical inner voice that can be...
On Wanting Something… But Not Following Through (and The Vunerability of Being Seen)
I’ve been *wanting* to get into a consistent blogging routine for... Months. But I find myself procrastinating at actually sitting down to write a start-finished blog post. And it’s not because I don’t know how. I know...